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Lillebælt Walking track

The Lillebæltsti is a publicly accessible coastal hiking path that extends across both public and private lands. This picturesque trail offers a unique blend of scenic landscapes and cultural attractions.

Hiking on the Lillebæltssti

  • Western Section: The western part of the Lillebæltssti, from Å city to Løgismose Beach, was inaugurated in October 2018.
  • Eastern Section: The eastern part, stretching from Nabben to Damsbo Beach, opened in February 2019.
  • The connection between the eastern and western sections is still under negotiation.

Attractions Along the Trail
During your hike, you will experience a variety of landscapes, including beaches, open fields, forests, and villages. You will also pass several manors and even a vineyard. There are many idyllic spots to enjoy the view and a packed lunch.

Accommodation Options
Both in Å and at Løgismose Beach, you will find campsites offering both grass areas and cabins for overnight stays.

The hiking route is clearly marked with a sign showing two white hikers on a blue background.

Tips for the Hike

  • The path can be uneven and sometimes muddy. Good footwear is recommended.
  • Remember to respect the hospitality of private landowners by:
    • Staying on the marked path
    • Keeping dogs on a leash
    • Taking trash to the next bin
    • Caring for nature
    • Following the landowner's instructions

Map and Information

Practical Information

Facilities and Parking

  • Picnic tables/benches
  • Bathing jetty
  • Viewpoint
  • Toilet
  • Drinking water

Parking is available at Å Strandvej, 5631 Ebberup, as well as at the recreational area at Løgismose Forest, Damsbo Beach, and Nabben.
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