Solevadgaard Watermill
In the village of Solevad, the farms Solevadgård and Solevad Enggård established in 1871 a common watermill along Holmehave Bæk, which runs between the two farms. The watermill is a so-called farm mill, which abounded after the abolition of the mill privilege in 1862. The mills made it possible for the farms themselves to grind grain for their own consumption and feeding. Most farm turbines disappeared again after the introduction of electricity. The mill in Solevad is the only farm water mill left in Denmark, with working wheels, gears and axle transition. The mill was renovated in the autumn of 2020 and can now run with the wheel again.
The mill is located in the garden to Solevadgård, where there is no public access. You can contact the owners at info@solevadgaard.dk, if you as a group want to visit the mill.
The first Sunday of the month there is public access at the mill between 2pm and 4pm, where you can see the mill wheel running.