vestfyn fisker

Fiskepladser i Assens Kommune

Photo: Daniel Villadsen

Lystfiskeri på Vestfyn. Find Fyns bedste fiskepladser her. Et eldorado for lystfiskere hele året!

Hvor skal du fiske?

Langs Lillebælt kan du finde et hav af smukke og gode fiskepladser. Og så er der også et stort udvalg af fiskesøer.

Aborg Strand Fishing Grounds
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Aborg Strand Fishing Grounds

Aborg Strand Fishing Grounds
Spring spot with deep basin close to land. Very unpredictable fishing. For long periods nothing much happens, and then suddenly there is tremendous fishing for a week or tw...

Bobakker and Agernæs Fishing Grounds
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Bobakker and Agernæs Fishing Grounds

Bobakker and Agernæs Fishing Grounds
There are a number of excellent spots where it is worth psending some time both before (Agernæs) and after (Bo Bakker) the dam. On an April day with a fresh south-e...

Fishing spot - Bågø
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Fishing spot - Bågø

Fishing spot - Baagø
Great place for a whole day trout-fishing expedition, but pay attention to the wind. The west side of Bågø is where it happens, so an easterly wind is to be preferred. Show conside...

Damsbo Fishing Grounds
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Damsbo Fishing Grounds


The best known spot in Helnæs Bay, and not without reason. From October to April the stretch offers magnificent chances. Often plentiful with coloured fish in the autumn.
Fishing in the summer ...

Helnæs Fyr/Lighthouse Fishing Grounds
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Helnæs Fyr/Lighthouse Fishing Grounds

Helnæs Fyr/Lighthouse Fishing Grounds
For as long as there have been sea-trout anglers on Fyn, trout have been caught at Helnæs lighthouse. This is one of the spots that never disappoints. This not to ...

Helnæs Inderside/Eastern side of Helnæs peninsula Fishing Grounds
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Helnæs Inderside/Eastern side of Helnæs peninsula Fishing Grounds

Helnæs inner side:

A very long stretch, suitable only for wading. The sandy bottom has sporadic dark areas. In winter shoals of sea-trout move back and forth here. The key to succes is to fish as much...

Helnæs Strand/Beach Fishing Grounds
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Helnæs Strand/Beach Fishing Grounds

Helnæs Strand:

Good stretch in front of the holiday homes and to Helnæs camping. A good place when the north wind is strong. Good fishing all year round, although a little uncertain from June to Augus...


Skarris Odde -Skarris Point/Agernæs Havn-Agernæs Harbour Fishing Grounds

Skarris Odde -Skarris Point/Agernæs Havn-Agernæs Harbour Fishing Grounds

Right inside Helnæs Bay there is this exciting spot. A typical winter spot with grey muddy bottom and from time to time a lot o...

South of Assens Harbour – Næs Strand Fishing Grounds
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

South of Assens Harbour – Næs Strand Fishing Grounds

South of Assens Harbour – Næs Strand Fishing Grounds

A short but productive stretch south of Assens Harbour. Mussel banks and sporadic rocks. Popular winter spot.

P: Parking by the camp...

Sønderby Klint/Aa Strand Fishing Grounds
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Sønderby Klint/Aa Strand Fishing Grounds

Sønderby Klint/Aa Strand Fishing Grounds

Facilities at the site near Sønderby Klint:
• parking spaces
• waste-disposal facilities
• tables and benches

Facilities at the site near Aa Strand:
• parking spaces...

Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens


You can fish along the lakeshore at the Mølledam in Haarby and established a fishing and viewing platform. You can fish in the pond without a fishing license, but must remember to redeem the general f...

Thorø Fishing Grounds
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Thorø Fishing Grounds

Thorø Fishing Grounds
Depsite the name ("ø" means island) Thorø is in fact a peninsula linked to Fyn by a tongue of sand. All around Thorø there are spots worth visiting at any time of year. Many fish ...

Trunderup Lake
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Trunderup Lake

You can fish in the lake without a fishing license, but you must remember to redeem the general fishing license at the post office or

Anyone can use the vantage and fishing platform, a...

Fishing lake at Faaborgvej
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Fishing lake at Faaborgvej

Along the road by the lake at Faaborgvej in Assens ,Assens Municipality released fish law. This means that from Faaborgvej can fish in the lake without a fishing license or the like, but you must reme...

Fiskeplads - Brende Å
Photo: assens kommune

Fiskeplads - Brende Å

Fiskepladser Brende Å: 

Har du et gyldigt fisketegn må du frit fiske på denne strækning. 

Fiskeretten gælder kun på de strækninger som er markeret på skiltet ved fiskepladserne. Dette stykke grænser...