Lillebæltsstien ved Løgismose

10 reasons to be charmed

Photo: Kafe Kamma

Beautiful places on Vestfyn

Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens


Baagø / Bågø an island with beautiful nature in the middle of the Little Belt. Book a ticket for the ferry here.

Jordløse Bakker hills
Photo: Daniel Villadsen

Jordløse Bakker hills

Jordløse bakker - The Jordløse hills are part of the Funen Alps.
The Funen Alps are a winding hilly ridge and the countryside was created during the last ice age.

Jordløse Bakker are alive with insects,...

Jordbassinerne in Assens
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Jordbassinerne in Assens

Jordbassinerne A nature area created by industial activity

Brahesborg Gods
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Brahesborg Gods

Brahesborg Gods

The listed main building was built in 1638–1656 with fortifications in Renaissance style, as well as a moat and three towers. Buildings, drawbridge and manor buildings are visible from ...

Krengerup Gods
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Krengerup Gods

Krengerup Gods

The manor is located about two kilometres from the town of Glamsbjerg and is surrounded by Krengerup Woods. Admission to the park is free, but visitors are kindly requested to stay on th...

Vor Frue Church/Church of Our Lady in Assens
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Vor Frue Church/Church of Our Lady in Assens

Vor Frue Church/Church of Our Lady in Assens

The Church of Our Lady (Vor Frue Kirke) in Assens is the second largest church in the island of Funen.

The Holevad chapel along the north wall of the churc...

Gallery Sulegaarden
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Gallery Sulegaarden

Gallery Sulegaarden

Galleri Sulegaarden was founded in September 1991 by artist Carl Henning Aarsø. Contemporary visual art by Danish and foreign artists is presented at exhibitions which change five t...

Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens



Løgismose Skov
Photo: Udvikling Assens - VisitAssens

Løgismose Skov

Løgismose Skov is situated by the Helnæs bay about 1,5 km south of Nellemose. The beach is facing south.

You can park about 250m from the beach. 

There are facilities such as toilets and an area which i...